

Design and Development of a Multi-Axis Force Measurement Platforms for Human Gait Monitoring

Students Names: 
1. Heba Alwalily.
2. Shatha Alajmah.
3. Shahad Aldossary.
4. Tahani Alnajjar.
5. Reem Alsaihati.

Advisor: Dr. Ibrahim Aljamaan, Co. Advisor: Eng. Mariam Hegazi

Nowadays, common knee injuries occurdue to undetected limbs abnormalities, and the early detection of these abnormalities can help to reduce major damage. Force platform is a device used to measure the ground reaction force in three dimensions, and the displacement of the center of pressure. These data will be manipulated to provide further information about the lower limb status,and whether it is normal orthere is an abnormality. This project aims to develop low-cost force platform with a good quality compared with other affordable force plates available in market. A prototype will be designed and built, where the data will be acquired using data acquisition device and aprogrammableconsole will be developed usingLABVIEW software with advanced graphical user interface to monitor, plot, analyze and control the signals that makes it easier totheusers.


Development of a Real-time P300 Arabic Speller-based Brain Computer Interface System for Disabled People in the Arab world (MENA)

Students Names
1. Fatimah Almomen.
2. Jenna Almofeez.
3. Munirah Altwaijri.
4. Rahaf Alsubaie.
5. Rola Alghamdi.

Advisor: Dr. Saleh Alzahrani, Co. Advisor: Dr. Jwaher Alghamdi

This project focuses on designing an Arabic P300 speller for people with restricted communication capability due to a progressive neurodegenerative disease such as Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). P300 speller is one of the brain-computer interface (BCI) applications, which provides a new interaction method with the external world by converting brain wave activities using tools such as electroencephalography (EEG). A patient can communicate directly with a computer by brain signals through focusing on the wanted target that would produce a P300wave in the EEG signals. This signal is then processed and translated to commands by choosing the desired letter.


Design Radiofrequency Coil for Preclinical Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scanners

Students Names
1. Norah AlQahtani
2. Lujain Alsubaie
3. Lama Alagil
4. Rand Aljurais
5. Latifa Aljaafari

Advisor: Dr. Gameel Saleh.

In magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines, the transmitter / receiver coils apply combined energy pulses to the radio waves (RF) to produce a magnetic field B1 that rotates at a resonant frequency equal to the frequency (velocity) of the hydrogen cyclesin the body of an organism, this project aims to design radio coils for imaging With clinical pre-magnetic resonance, both volumetric and surface type, stromal coils are circularly polarized coils, resulting in a B1 rotating magnetic field (and thus circularly polarized). The surface coil is a coil of wire, which is placed over the concerned area (around the patient's surface) to improve the reception of magnetic waves. This project presents a design for inhomogeneous phantoms that mimic living biologicaltissues for pre-clinical use, which are not available to our knowledge yet. It also aims to measure the specific energy absorption rate (SAR), which measures the heat emitted from the radio frequency coils and its effect on biological tissues. This project aims to design unique radio coils with the highest magnetic field and the lowest electric field to obtain the best image with better quality and safety. The designs that will be implemented will be installed on the positron imaging / magnetic resonance imaging device that will reach the department, which will enable the efficiency of designs to be tested by experimenting. This project will reduce the costs for the radio files that the researchers will need in the department in the coming years from tens of thousands of dollars to some thousands of riyals.Also, in this project we aim to design an inhomogeneous phantom that mimics a real rat tissues this will help also in educational purposes in studying medical imaging.


Design and development of acost-effective and precision high flow nasal cannula (HFNC)device

Students Names
1. Doaa Abu-Aladas
2. Haifa Khalifa
3. Shahad Alomair
4. Zainab Al-Lashet

Advisor: Dr. Mahbubunnabi Tamal,

High flow nasal cannula is a medical device that is used in treating patients who suffer from serious respiratory failure (e.g., in case of COVID-19). It delivers a specific level of heated and humidified oxygen (FiO2) at an extremely high flow rate. The currently available HFNC devices are expensive and complicated to operate. This research project aims to develop a cost effective and easy to use HFNC device. The proposed HFNC device will be designed and built with latest material and interfacing devices to make it cost effective and easy to operate with automatic system. This research is very much necessary specially at the time of COVID-19pandemic to provide a cheaper and easy to use respiratory treatment device that is accessible to all classes of the society.


A monitoring system to predict driver`s state of vigilance

Students Names
1. Samar Ghazal
2. Amina Alturaiki

Advisor: Dr. Abdul-Hakeem Al-Omari, Co Advisor: Eng. Hind AlYahya

Fatigue and drowsiness are of the leading causes for road accidents as per The National Sleep Foundation, 60% of adult drivers have driven while feeling drowsy. This project aims to reduce the number of such accidents by developing an integrated monitoring system to predict driver`s vigilance based on the detected and analyzed levels of the driver`s bio-signals and gripping force with an alert system that will be activated whenever an abnormality was detected. Bio-signals are a reliable indication on the state of vigilance; the system will be applied through implanted bio-signals` and force`s sensors on the driver`s seat and steering wheel.


Low-Cost Non-Invasive Continuous Respiratory Rate Monitoring for Chronic Illnesses Patients.

Students Names
1. Reema Alnemer
2. Razan Hilal
3. Rawabi Alabdulrahman
4. Zahra Almutawah
5. Zainab Almaskeen

Advisor: Dr. Syed Mehmood Ali, Co Advisor: Eng. Kamran Hameed,

Since the world is battling against COVID-19 and many other chronic illnesses, monitoring the respiratory rate via innovative technologies has become necessary. A non-invasive daily self-monitoring of respiratory rate might be appropriate to detect body changes and determine possible infections. The respiratory rate (RR) is a critical parameter that significantly predicts the patient’s health status. RR can be measured manually or by the medical ventilator, multipara monitor, spirometer, impedance pneumography, and capnography. All the mentioned equipment and devices are expensive and cannot be transformed into wearable gadgets. Therefore, a low-cost photoplethysmography/accelerometer/gyroscope based technology has been proposed to measure RR without any complicated interventions. A single optical sensor/accelerometer/gyroscope will be required to get pulses, and the prototype device will provide the respiratory rate.


Ultra-compact Optical Glucometer

Students Names
1. Zainab Aldawood
2. Raghad AlZayed
3. Anwar AlMatrood
4. Samah Omar
5. Fatima Alhamaly

Advisor: Dr. Ibraheem Al-Naib,

Finger pricking is the most common way of glucose level measuring among diabetic patients. Their regular need for measuring has raised the need for an alternative monitoring method. Some non-invasive studies have started as early as 1999 [1]. Optical frequencies are the cutting-edge of recent studies, specifically, Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIR),that has been involved in the evolution of non-invasive medical devices. In this project, a non-invasive glucometer using NIR light will be designed and constructed. Samples with different concentrations of glucose will be tested by a range of NIR wavelengths in order to setup a design with the most sensitive and accurate results possible.


Development of A Smart Wheelchair Based on fNIRS Technology.

Students Names
1. Tasneem Ahmed
2. Reem AlOmair
3. Reem AlGhafli
4. Renad AlNamlah
5. Fatimah AlSahaf

Advisor: Dr. Murad Althobaiti,

fNIRS is a non-invasive optical imaging technology that detects variations in hemoglobin (Hb) levels in the brain by using Hb's characteristics absorption spectra in the near-infrared range. In the last decade, a real-time brain-controlled wheelchair was developed by analyzing the EEG signals under imagination[1]. The aim of this project is to develop a safe smart brain-controlled wheelchair-using fNIRS signals instead of EEG by using multi-sensors to increase effectiveness in addition to a safety system. Also, improving the commands number to control the wheelchair as well as decreasing the used signal time detection, along with designing an effective brain-controlled wheelchair[2].


Development of an electronic system for detecting and alerting hypoglycemia of diabeticsduring sleep time.

Students Names
1. Batool Aljaroudi
2. Baneen Alayyash
3. Welayah Abo Shokan
4. Zahra Almahfoudh
5. Zainab Almoullem

Advisor: Dr. Karim Jabali,

Monitoring blood glucose level while sleeping is a very important subject in the medical field. When a person is asleep, the blood sugar naturally increases. This poses a threat to diabetic as they require insulin to control their blood sugar levels. If the insulin reduces the blood sugar drastically, it may lead to dangerous consequences. The ultimate goal is to have a continuous monitoring system that can detect when the person is asleep and consequently alert the medical staff of abnormal changes in blood sugar levels.


Design of a wearable device for preventative prediction of epileptic seizures.

Students Names
1. Areej AlYousef
2. Fawzia AlAlawi
3. Maram AlMansour
4. Muneerah AlSaadi
5. Sarah AlFares

Advisor: Dr. Lola El Sahmarany Co Advisor: Eng. Maha Alshammari,

Epilepsy is ranked internationally as the fourth most common neurological disorder that affects around 80% of low to middle income countries’ population. Although various antiepileptic medications are available, timely, effective monitoring of the disorder is often unattainable. Early detection of the disease is critical in order to prevent seizures’ symptoms from occurring. This project aims to design a real time, algorithm-based on bio-signals analysis. It is an integration of a low-cost, non-invasive device that could be worn under a patient's clothes around the clock. This device is not limited to monitor seizures symptoms but also record seizure occurrences to help caregivers during monitoring process.


Controlling a 3D printed Arm Using EMG Signals.

Students Names
1. Abdullah Mohammed Alhalabi.
2. Khalid Fayez Algethami.
3. Abdullah Ahmed Alqatife.
4. Hussain Abdullah Alshehab.

Advisor: Dr. Saleh Alzahrani

Many people around the world are suffering from amputated limbs. By 2011, the number rose to 15% of the world's population, half of whom cannot afford the cost of healthcare. Prosthetic arms are one of the innovative solutions to alleviate the suffering of these people and facilitate their daily lives. Comparing the different types of prosthetic arms, we found that each type has advantages and disadvantages such as heavy weight, high cost, limited movements, and large size. The aim of this project is to design an EMG-controlled, 3D printed, low-cost prosthetic arm that is capable of reproducing different motions and offer a good balance between different features to satisfy the user.


Automated Specimens System.

Students Names
1. Mohammed Abbas hashim.
2. Amjad mahdi motiloq.
3. Ayman Mansour Al-jumaia.
4. Mohammed Yousef BinAlshaikh.

Advisor: Dr. Ibrahim Aljamaan

Clinical laboratories have rapidly evolved since the 1990s, mainly driven by technological advances that focus on automation. Nowadays, the automated laboratories help to prevent human error existence. In this project, a prototype of an automated specimen’s system will be designed and assembled, where a robotic arm is going to move the blood samples from the conveyor belts to the assigned storage locations. A barcode reader will be added to distinguish each specimen and a microcontroller is used to automate the process. Moreover, an interface system will be programmed using LABVIEW software, where the coding window is different than the operator. This automated process will increase the lab efficiency as well as the speed of analysis.

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