Course Description
This course focus on basic epidemiological methods as applied to the study of health, disease in human populations and modifiable risk factors. It is a branch of applied statistics dealing with applications of statistical methods to problems in biology and medicine. This course introduces basic statistical concepts for participants that include both descriptive and inferential statistics. Topics include an introduction to statistical distribution, hypothesis testing, estimation and correlation. Computer-related statistical package (SPSS) is used to complete some exercises and problem solving for this course. Applied statistics course understands how to create, use, analyze and present data in order to make or critique arguments.
Course ID: BIOST-219
الساعات المعتمدة | نظري | عملي | مختبرات | محاضرة | ستوديو | ساعات الاتصال | المتطلبات السابقة | 2 | 2 | 2 | - |